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Doubleview Announces Drilling at the Hat Polymetallic Deposit

Doubleview Gold Corp ("Doubleview") is pleased to announce the resumption of drilling at its Hat Project in Northern British Columbia. Prior to a short worker relief stoppage, work had included 3,460 meters of drilling. As detailed below, current work builds upon the extensive database of technical and statistical models used in preparation for the Company's first Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE—V1"), which was announced last week.

The Mineral Resource Estimate Reported:

  • Micon International Limited authored the MRE and fulfilled the criteria for an MRE to meet the definition of potential economic extraction.
  • An indicated resource of 150 million tonnes (Mt) and an inferred resource of 477 Mt at 0.2 % copper equivalent ("CuEq**") cut-off grade* or
  • An indicated resource of 1.353 billion pounds (Blb) of CuEq at 0.408 % CuEq, which includes 733 Mlb of copper, 28 Mlb of cobalt, 929 thousand ounces of gold and 2 million ounces of silver and
  • An inferred resource of 3.619 Blb of CuEq at 0.344 % CuEq cut-off grade, which includes 1.945 Blb of copper, 91 Mlb of cobalt, 2.328 million ounces of gold, and 7.575 million ounces of silver.
  • The scandium potential for the Hat Deposit is estimated to be 300 to 500 million tonnes at an average grade of 40 ppm (0.004 %) Sc2O3.

For more detailed information on the mineral resource estimate, please see the Company's news release dated July 25, 2024.

The Main Objectives of the 2024 Drilling Program are to:

  • Improve grade and further explore mineralization trends identified by statistical and geological models and interpretations
  • Conduct in-fill drilling in areas where drill holes are sparse or overly widespread and better define the mineral deposit's envelope
  • Target areas of shallower mineralization to improve grade and tonnage prior to a future "Version 2" MRE
  • Enhance our complete database to guide future exploration and resource estimates

The current parameters of the MRE-V1 have been carefully examined using statistical and geological models to guide the 2024 exploration and further develop the Hat deposit.

Initial 2024 drilling was focused on the central Lisle Zone to better define the mineralization, confirm its westerly extension, and, with greater density of information, demonstrate the internal continuity of metal values. Drill holes H072 to H075 (Table 1 and Figure 1) were instrumental in this regard, and hole H076, which is in progress, is expected to provide similar results. The Company has sent the core rock samples from drill holes H072 to H075 to our analytical services provider, and we anticipate being able to release assay data in the near future.

Figure 1 illustrates, in Plan and Section views, the locations of our 2024 drill holes.

Mr. Farshad Shirvani, president and CEO of the Company, commented, "We shifted our focus from building an initial resource at the polymetallic Hat deposit to expanding it. Several opportunities to improve the maiden resource were identified, which we want to realize promptly during this year's field season, including very targeted drilling."

Table 1. Drill Hole Data. Source: Doubleview Gold Corp

Drill Hole ID UTM - East UTM - North Elevation Max- Depth Azimuth Dip Area
H072 347,866 6,453,952 956.5 761 212 -75 Lisle West
H073 347,866 6,453,952 956.5 771 225 -85 Lisle West
H074 347,866 6,453,952 956.5 609 262.5 -85 Lisle West
H075 347,866 6,453,952 956.5 537 0 -90 Lisle West


The Illustration 1 Below Depicts the Plan and Section on the Drill Holes of the Season 1 Exploration of 2024.

Illustration 1: Plan and Section on the drill holes. Image Credit: Doubleview Gold Corp


* Parameters Used to Calculate Cut-off Grade:
Au price US$/oz: 1,900; Ag price US$/oz: 24; Cu price US$/lb: 4; Co price US$/lb: 22; Au recovery: 89.0 %; Ag recovery: 68.0 %; Cu recovery: 84.0 %; Co recovery: 78.0 %; Mining cost US$/t (OP): 2.5; Processing Cost US$/t: 6; G&A Cost US$/t: 2

** Copper Equivalent Calculation
CuEq in % = ([Ag grade in ppm] *24*0.68/31.1035 + [Au grade in ppm] *1900*.89/31.1035 + 0.0001* [Co grade in ppm] *22*0.78*22.0462 + 0.0001* [Cu grade in ppm] *4*0.84*22.0462)/(4*22.0462*0.84). Scandium is not part of the copper equivalent calculation.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control:

Core samples are forwarded to the accredited North Vancouver facility of ALS Canada Ltd., where the samples are being prepared using their PREP-31, PGM-ICP24, ME-MS61, and ME-ICP06 packages. Each core sample is dried and then crushed to 70 %, passing a 2 mm screen. All material is processed in an automatic Riffle splitter to yield a 250 g homogenized, representative sample. This sub-sample is then pulverized to 85 %, passing a 75-micron screen. All samples are analyzed for Au, Pt, Pd by 50 g fire-assay fusion/ICP-ES finish, using PGM-ICP24 package. A separate 0.25 g pulp split is analyzed by Four Acid digestion/ICP-MS finish, reporting 48 elements. Over-limit, elements are analyzed by Ore Grade Four Acid digestion/ICP-ES finish using the ME-OG62 assay package. All of Doubleview's core samples are analyzed or assayed at independent ISO 17025 and ISO 9001-certified laboratories.

The Hat Claims property consists of ten mineral tenures covering 5,200 hectares located north of the Golden Bear mine road in northwest BC.

Qualified Persons:

Erik Ostensoe, P. Geo., a consulting geologist, and Doubleview's Qualified Person with respect to the Hat Project as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed, and approved the technical contents of this news release. He is not independent of Doubleview as he is a shareholder in the company.


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