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Litchfield Minerals Limited Confirms Large Magnetic Targets at Patmungala and Dumunzi Areas in the West Arunta

Litchfield Minerals Limited ("Litchfield") is pleased to announce that significant magnetic anomalies have been confirmed at the Patmungala and Dumunzi areas within the West Arunta region following recent geophysical interpretations. This advancement marks a critical step in the Company's exploration strategy.

Litchfield Minerals Limited Confirms Large Magnetic Targets at Patmungala and Dumunzi Areas in the West Arunta
Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) image of a 3.5 km wide piped shape magnetic target in the Patmungala area. Image Credit: Litchfield Minerals Limited


  • Patmungala Magnetic Anomaly: A 3.5 km wide, pipe-shaped magnetic anomaly has been confirmed at the Patmungula area, referred to as the Megalith anomaly. This feature could potentially represent an IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) or deeply buried igneous intrusive complex.
  • Investment in Gravity Survey: Litchfield has initiated a gravity survey programme to further assess the Patmungula anomaly, which will assist in targeting future drill holes.
  • Support from NTGS: The Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) is supporting the deep drilling programme for this target with funding up to $140,000.
  • Dumunzi Target: An additional gravity survey will be conducted over the Dumunzi magnetic target, located north of Silver King, at the intersection of several prominent structures. Preliminary soil sampling will complement the data acquisition for these gravity surveys.

Project Details:

  • Patmungula Megalith Target: Identified through inversion modelling of the Annie Springs Rio Tinto Aeromagnetic survey from 1997, this anomaly presents a deep, 3.5km wide, sub-vertical magnetic feature of unknown origin. Historical exploration in the area has identified copper and galena-bearing quartz veins, with rock chips showing copper levels up to 6.2%. The ongoing ground gravity survey by Planetary Geophysics aims to better delineate this structure for precise drillhole targeting.

  • Dumunzi Target: This significant magnetic target is situated north of the Silver King prospect in a potential dilational zone at the intersection of several geological structures. The target area is covered by shallow alluvial sediments, and an upcoming gravity survey will be conducted alongside preliminary soil sampling to test for base metal and rare earth element fertility.

The results from these surveys are anticipated to provide valuable insights and guide the next phases of exploration, including drilling programmes expected to commence once all data is gathered.


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    Litchfield Minerals Limited. 2024. Litchfield Minerals Limited Confirms Large Magnetic Targets at Patmungala and Dumunzi Areas in the West Arunta. AZoMining, viewed 16 September 2024,

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