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Lithium Royalty Corp. Provides Update on Winsome Resources Scoping Study for the Adina Lithium Project

Lithium Royalty Corp. (“LRC”) is pleased to report that Winsome Resources Limited (“Winsome”) announced the completion of a scoping study for its 100 %-owned Adina Lithium Project (the “Adina Project”) located in Québec, Canada. The study highlights the Adina Project as one of the most capital-efficient hard-rock lithium projects in North America. The scoping study is a significant milestone for Winsome and for the 4.0 % gross overriding revenue royalty (GOR) that LRC owns over the Adina Project.

“Lithium Royalty Corp. congratulates Winsome Resources on the release of its maiden scoping study on the Adina Project, which cements the project as one of the most competitive, scalable, and simple spodumene projects in the Americas. We believe that the progress of the Adina Project through its development to eventual production will uncover substantial value to LRC,” said Ernie Ortiz, President and CEO of LRC.

Key Highlights of the Scoping Study

  • Low Start-Up Capital Cost of US$260 Million – The Adina Project benefits from an estimated start-up capital cost of approximately US$260 million, mainly due to Winsome’s ability to leverage the existing infrastructure at the nearby Renard mine, over which Winsome has secured an option to acquire out of insolvency. This exclusive option to repurpose and use the Renard facility offers significant cost savings to Winsome, avoiding the need to incur higher expected construction costs associated with a greenfield development at the Adina Project. The capital efficiency of this project positions Adina to potentially be one of the most attractive lithium projects in North America.
  • Opportunity for Growth – The scoping study for the Adina Project contemplates mining 31.2 Mt of indicated mineral resource from the total indicated mineral resource of 61.4 Mt and 4.6 Mt of inferred mineral resource from the total inferred mineral resource of 16.5 Mt. Furthermore, Winsome anticipates upgrading its mineral resource estimate in the first half of 2025, providing potential growth to the mineral resource for the Adina Project. The scoping study assumes 1.7 Mtpa of milled annual production for the Adina Project, below the 2.2 Mtpa nameplate capacity for the state-of-the-art fully-covered DMS-only processing facility at Renard. Upside to these study assumptions has the potential to increase the mine life and production throughput at the Adina Project.
  • Competitive C1 Operating Cost of US$598/t (FOB) and AISC of US$693/t (FOB) – The Winsome scoping study estimates a C1 operating cost of US$598 per tonne (FOB) of spodumene concentrate over the 17-year active production period of the Adina Project. Additionally, the scoping study contemplates using a simple dense media separation processing method, which Winsome expects will further reduce operating costs while enabling Winsome to produce a high-quality, coarse concentrate. Winsome’s study also forecasts All-In Sustaining Costs (AISC) averaging US$693 per tonne (FOB) over the active production period for the Adina Project. This includes all expenses related to sustaining capital, mining, processing, and transportation costs. The estimated AISC highlights the potential for strong cash flow from the project, and suggests that the Adina Project has the potential to be financially resilient, even in fluctuating lithium commodity price environments.
  • Creation of 600 Jobs in the Province of Québec – Winsome anticipates thatthe Adina Project will create approximately 600 jobs during its operational phase, and contribute to economic development and employment in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region and the Province of Québec. Winsome has reiterated that it is committed to working closely with local stakeholders, including First Nations communities, to enable the project to deliver long-term benefits for the region.
  • Meaningfully Positive Implications for LRC – Winsome’s scoping study for the Adina Project underscores the benefits of LRC’s strategy of targeting assets that are high-grade, low cost, with low levels of technical complexity. Winsome has referenced on page 14 of the scoping study that undiscounted gross royalty payments to LRC over the 21-year mine life have the potential to reach approximately US$300 million. The pit design in Winsome’s scoping study incorporated the 4.0 % GOR royalty that LRC owns over the Adina Project.

Key Life-of-Mine Statistics from Winsome Scoping Study:

Source: Business Wire

  Figure Units
Renard plant - Targeted throughput 1.7 Mtpa
Renard plant - Nameplate throughput capacity 2.2 Mtpa
Production target - Indicated mineral resource 31.2 Mt
Indicated mineral resource 61.4 Mt
Production target - Inferred mineral resource 4.6 Mt
Inferred mineral resource 16.5 Mt
Mine life 21 Years
Production target - Average annual concentrate production 256 ktpa
Projected LRC GOR royalty undiscounted cashflow $296 USD millions


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