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Lucky Strike Resources Presents Update on Jewellery Box Property Exploration Program

International Samuel Exploration Corp. and Lucky Strike Resources Ltd presents an exploration update on the Jewellery Box Property 2012 exploration program.

The companies undertook an extensive exploration program on the Jewellery Box property consisting of detailed IP geophysics, soil sampling, regional mapping and ultimately resulted in a drill program.

The companies engaged the services of Peter Walcott and Associates Limited to undertake a 12 line kilometre induced polarization program. The core of the survey was designed to test an area where historic soil and rock geochemistry yielded a number of targets of interest proximal to a large magnetic feature observed in the spring 2012 airborne magnetic program.

The induced polarization survey identified two large east-north easterly trending chargeability anomalies, proximal to known mineralized showing. The trends are similar to that identified in historic gold soil geochemistry results. As exact referencing of the historic geochemistry was unavailable, drill hole targeting was conducted primarily on the results of the induced polarization program.

In addition to the soil sampling program, a small stream sampling program was conducted over two additional magnetic features on the property. This met with limited success, and returned only weakly anomalous results.

The companies engaged the services Black Hawk Drilling of Smithers, British Columbia to undertake a drill program. Drilling consisted of 402.95 meters drill program in two drill holes, JBDD-12-01 (198.12 m) and JBDD-12-02 (204.83 meters). The drill focused on the areas where the 2012 IP program was conducted 187 samples were collected from the core drilling. A summary of each of the drill hole is presented below along with select assays.

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