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Endomines Provides Results from Exploration Campaign at Pampalo and Karelian Gold Line Targets

Endomines is pleased to report results from the ongoing exploration campaign at Pampalo and other Karelian Gold Line exploration targets.

The results include new very encouraging gold intersections from the Pampalo Deep Extensions including holes T-916 [email protected] g/t gold (incl. [email protected] g/t gold) and T-917 17.0 [email protected] g/t gold. These holes were drilled to a previously unknown structure at the Pampalo Deep Northern lens extension and indicate that there might be previously unknown high-grade lenses at Pampalo.

In addition recently identified new S2-lens extension has been confirmed by the drill hole number T-910 ([email protected] g/t gold) at the level 590. The S2-lens has also been verified with drifting at the upper levels. The most interesting drill intersections are presented in a separate Exploration Report together with complete drilling result tables on the Company´s website and in the attachment.

The Company will continue to explore the area once geometric conditions and development drifting allows. “We are very excited and delighted of these higher grade intersections in the previously unknown area. Our commitment to continue exploration at Pampalo and other targets has given very positive results”, comments Markus Ekberg, CEO of Endomines.

The company has also commenced Base-of-till sampling in March at the NE corner of the Kuittila tonalite. By June 30th about a 930 samples have been collected from the area between Muurinsuo East and Korvilansuo, Pampalo East – Pampalo NW and Hosko North. The sampling target for 2015 is 2,000 samples. Assay results are pending.

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