SIRIOS RESOURCES announces the results of two drill holes completed on the Aquilon Gold Property located in James Bay, Quebec. The first hole intersected, at a depth of less than 7 meters, the Moman vein with 560.1 g/t gold over 0.49 meters and this, at 5 meters from drill hole # 01 drilled in 2010. In addition, gold grade of 20.5 g/t over 1.47 m was obtained in the hanging wall.
Auriferous quartz veinlets were also intersected at depths of 94 and 118 meters along the first drill hole, with respective gold grades of 2.7 and 2.8 g/t over 0.5 m.
The second drill hole was conducted to verify the extension along the plunge of the Moman vein at a vertical depth of approximately 70 m. However, the target has not been reached due to an excessive deviation of the drill hole that was oriented at low angle toward the plunge of the vein. However, a section containing weak pyrrhotite and pyrite disseminations assayed 2.5 g/t over 2.0 m at a depth of 101 meters along the hole.
Both NQ-caliber diamond drill holes, totaling 336 meters, were targeting the gold-bearing quartz vein Moman and the underlying rocks. Recall that fourteen short drill holes had been completed on the Moman showing at the end of 2010. Eleven drill holes intersected the extension of the vein down to a vertical depth of 44 meters. The elongated half-pipe-shaped folded vein has a cross-section of approximately 3 to 4 metres by 5 metres and extends over more than 80 meters with a weak plunge toward NNE. It remains open at its plunge's depth. Very high gold values were obtained on this vein in the 2010 drill holes grading up to 834 g/t gold over 1.7 m (ref. Press release 19/01/2011).
The AQUILON property is located 450km east of Radisson, Quebec and is serviced by all weather gravel roads leading to the LA-1 Hydro-electric Dam which is 10 km from the property.
Sixty-eight (68) half-core samples with an average length of 0.84 m, were collected and sent to ALS Minerals laboratory ("ALS") of Val d'Or, Quebec for analysis. A strict QA/QC program was followed by integrating blanks and certified reference materials to the drill core samples. Samples showing no visible gold were prepared according to standard procedures of ALS and analyzed by conventional fire assay with atomic absorption finish (Au-AA24). Samples exceeding the upper limit of detection were systematically re-assayed with gravimetry (GRA22 Au). All core samples from the host rock and the Moman gold vein were sent to ALS laboratory for fire assay with metallic screening (Au-SCR21) of 100 microns.
The drilling program was executed for the account of Sirios under the supervision of Mr. Roger Moar, P. Geo., consultant and qualified person.