I-Minerals Inc. is pleased to announce that further to its press release of December 16, 2014 all contracts with respect to the feasibility study of the Bovill Kaolin Project have been awarded. The project kick off meeting was held January 6, 2015 in Coeur d'Alene.
Firms participating in the FS include:
Property visits were completed January 7, 2015. GBM is reviewing the flow sheet designed as part of the June 2014 Prefeasibility Study to determine if process changes can improve the product mix and product quality. The final steps of the bulk sample processing at Ginn Mineral Technology (GMT) in Sandersville, Georgia, which include the preparation of a metakaolin product, brightness studies, and the final drying of the halloysite, are nearing completion. At the Minerals Research Laboratory in Asheville, North Carolina, the quartz/K-spar sand screened from the primary clay by GMT is being dried in preparation for bench scale testing to confirm the parameters for the full pilot plant which is expected to start operation around the first week of February.
"We have secured the services of a top notch engineering team to complete the feasibility study on the Bovill Kaolin project," stated Thomas Conway, President and CEO of I-Minerals Inc. "Our timing for bringing the project forward is favorable given the increased availability of high quality consultants as a result of the slowdown in the metals mining work all the while the demand for our mineral products is increasing in parallel with the recovery in the US economy."