Aug 16 2016
Everton Resources Inc. ("Everton" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed the initial field program on its Blue Sky Jackpot Lithium Property in the Thunder Bay Mining District of Ontario approximately 150 kilometers northeast of Thunder Bay.
The purpose of the program was to evaluate historical references to pegmatite outcrops on the Blue Sky Jackpot Lithium Property and to take samples to establish if the referenced pegmatites are lithium bearing.
The program has exceeded expectations and has resulted in a two kilometer trend about 300 meters wide consisting of several distinct outcrop areas individually comprised of pegmatite and spodumene bearing pegmatite. In some cases, the pegmatite outcrops are situated in distinct subcrop trends that infer continuity in excess of 200 meters. Many of these areas have previously been identified by E. G. Pye, 1965, "Geology and Lithium Deposits of the Georgia Lake Area, Thunder Bay District" Geological Report No. 31. The field program encountered all of the outcrops that were reported to exist and visually encountered spodumene where reported historically. Additional several new outcrops of spodumene bearing pegmatite were also encountered. Thirty eight samples of bedrock material have been submitted for analysis to confirm the presence of lithium in the pegmatites.
Everton is also pleased to report acquisition through staking of an additional 720 hectares (four claim groups comprised of 45 claim units) that have been recorded at the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. These claims groups are located to add additional Blue Sky exploration potential to the property.
Everton's Blue Sky Jackpot Lithium property surrounds the Jackpot Occurrence, a small four claim unit group in the center of the Everton property that is also described by E. G. Pye in his 1965 report as reportedly hosting a historic non-compliant resource of 2 million tons of 1.09% lithium oxide.
Assay results have been submitted on a rush basis results will be released on receipt. If warranted by the results Everton will immediately commence the permitting process to further develop the property. The thrust of additional work will have the immediate goal of assigning continuity and grade to the lithium bearing pegmatites, and will likely take the form of stripping - washing outcrop areas, followed by channel sampling and bulk sampling.
The technical content of this release was reviewed by Wade Kornik, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined by the National Instrument 43-101.