May 26 2017
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. is providing an update on its exploration plans for the 2017 field season.
OGI Zinc Project
The target is a sediment hosted Zn-Pb-Ag massive sulphide deposit within Yukon's Selwyn Basin. The planned 2017 field program will focus on the 1,000 m long polymetallic soil anomaly, with values ranging from 500 to 5,780 parts per million Zn, and open in two directions. The work will include geological mapping, prospecting, detailed soil sampling, ground geophysical surveys and hand trenching, with the objective of defining drill targets. The program is expected to be completed by mid-July.
TL Zinc - Drilling Postponed
The proposed early summer drill program at the TL Zinc property has been suspended. Allegations of third party interests in the 16 TL Claims under option to Pacific Ridge have been made and, to allow time to resolve the issue, the Optionor and Pacific Ridge have agreed to extend the Option terms by one year. Once the issue is resolved, the Company plans to resume the drill program, targeting coincident gravity and electromagnetic anomalies on the western side of the property associated with known zinc mineralization defined by trenching and shallow drill holes from 2011 and 2012.
Eureka Dome and Gold Cap Projects
The Company plans detailed soil sampling and prospecting programs at its Gold Cap and Eureka Dome gold properties, in the heart of the White Gold district, south of Dawson, Yukon. Gold Cap is 8 km northeast of the Golden Saddle deposit, recently acquired by White Gold Corp. from Kinross Gold. Work will focus on detailed sampling and mapping in the vicinity of known gold anomalies on the property.
The Company is continuing to pursue new project opportunities with a focus on advanced exploration gold and base metals projects in western North America.