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Azincourt Energy Reports Exploration Work Program Plans for East Preston Project

AZINCOURT ENERGY CORP. is pleased to announce initial exploration work program plans for the Company's East Preston project with option partners Skyharbour Resources Ltd. and Clean Commodities Corp. - a highly prospective uranium project located in the western Athabasca Basin (see: Figure 1 - East Preston Project Location Map.PDF).

To view Figure 1, please visit the following link:

East Preston Program highlights

  • Extensive re-interpretation of historical helicopter-borne VTEM and ground geophysical data by expert geophysical consultant highlights untested conductor systems and corridor trends
  • Ground geophysical program planned to refine drill targets over
  • Grid establishment, Horizontal Loop Electromagnetic (HLEM) and Gravity surveys to be used
  • Work to commence after freeze-up - November-December timing

East Preston Project 2017 Geophysical Program

Azincourt engaged a highly experienced geophysical consultant, Mr. Lawrence Bzdel, PGeo, to interpret the extensive historical airborne and ground geophysical data set and build on the already rich, previous work. The re-interpretation work has identified and prioritized numerous conductor trends, with the highest priorities being the A, B and D trends, respectively (see: Figure 2 - East Preston Survey Grid Location Map.PDF).

To view Figure 2, please visit the following link:

Trend A is a very long, wide N to NE trending conductive corridor with an observed flexure bound and crosscut by interpreted E-W cross-faults. Trend B is a long linear conductor system coincident with an interpreted NE trending fault. Trend D is a NNW trending conductor system parallel to an interpreted fault.

The East Preston geophysical program is expected to commence in November following freeze-up in northwestern Saskatchewan. Grid establishment will precede the planned surveys. The grid lines will be perpendicular to the interpreted VTEM conductive trends. The HLEM and Gravity surveys will consist of 47 line km of each method.

The HLEM data will be collected with a 200 m Transmitter-Receiver separation, and 50 m station intervals. The survey is designed to accurately identify multiple conductor systems in this shallow depth to basement environment. Unconformity-related uranium deposits are often associated in proximity to basement conductive trends, and represent a first order criteria for discovery.

The Gravity survey will record measurements at 50 m station intervals. Subtle gravity low anomalies can highlight areas of alteration and structural disruption. Gravity highs may represent basement topography, which are also associated with unconformity-related uranium deposits.

This initial ground geophysical program is expected to yield drill targets within previously untested corridors. The Company expects to generate enough targets for several drill programs.

Qualified Person

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43- 101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Ted O'Connor, P.Geo. a director of Azincourt Energy Corp., as well as a qualified person.

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