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Torr Targets Major Gold Deposit on the Wawa Subprovince Margin

The Government of Ontario has awarded a three-year exploration permit (the “Permit”) to Torr Metals Inc. (“Torr” or the “Company”), enabling drilling on the Company's 100 % owned 261 km2 Filion Gold Project.

Torr Targets Major Gold Deposit on the Wawa Subprovince Margin
Filion Project is located within an unexplored greenstone belt on the margins of the Wawa subprovince of northern Ontario. The figure includes the positions as well as total historical and forecasted production of major regional gold mines within established gold-endowed greenstone belts of the Wawa, Wabigoon, and Abitibi subprovinces. Image Credit: Torr Metals Inc.

The Project is well positioned near first-rate infrastructure, including the town of Kapuskasing, about 30 km southeast of it. It also has easy access to Trans-Canada Highway 11, the regional railway, and the provincial electricity grid.

The granting of this exploration permit opens up a tremendous opportunity for Torr to build on our promising work from late last year at the Filion Gold Project. We are very excited to further advance our exploration, especially after identifying extensive km-scale gold soil anomalies that have yet to be drill tested a trend of historical high-grade rock and channel samples. We are in the process of finalizing exploration plans and look forward to the coming months as we keep the market updated on our progress.

Malcolm Dorsey, President and Chief Executive Officer, Torr Metals Inc.

Filion Gold Project

After staking the Project on October 26, 2023, the Company moved quickly to test the underutilized potential of the gold-endowed Filion Fault Zone.

Rock grab samples from this zone have yielded samples that have historically tested 9.1 g/t gold (Au), and channel sampling has reportedly yielded 91.4 g/t Au over 0.3 m. Among the highlights of the soil program for 2023 were:

  • Delineation of Multiple Undrilled Anomalies: Over a 2.5-km-wide corridor, six gold soil anomalies that coincided with historical VLF-EM conductors, significant shear structures, and stratigraphic contacts were identified. Of the 28 filtered conductors, more than 75 % remained untested by soil sampling. Around 39 of the 318 humus soil samples had more than 10 ppb Au, and 13 of them had more than 20 ppb Au, totaling 1,320 ppb Au.
  • Kilometer-scale Gold Trends: The greatest gold soil anomaly of 2023 is 1200 m long, spanning several conductors along the trend of past high-grade rock grab and channel samples. This suggests that there may be unexplored gold mineralization 2.5 km long. Every soil anomaly for 2023 is still accessible from the east and northeast.
  • Untested Exploration Upside: Torr has the chance to be the first to test the considerable potential for a major new gold discovery along the Filion Fault, which is next to the Trans-Canada Highway. This is because none of the 2023 humus soil anomalies include historical drilling.

Early syn-volcanic dated gold deposits, such as those at Hemlo, Greenstone, Casa Berardi, and Detour Lake, are found mostly inside significant east-west trending fault zones within the northern Ontario regional greenstone belts.

These zones are comparable in geology to the Filion Fault, where large stratigraphic contacts between quartz-feldspar porphyry units and mafic volcanics are characterized by competence differences and structural dilational bends that are significant restraints on gold emplacement.

Quality Assurance and Control

Sample results were examined at the Geochemistry Division of ALS Global Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada, an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 recognized facility. All samples are transported and stored with a secure chain of custody. Under the ALS code PREP-41, the “B” horizon soil samples were screened to 180 microns at ALS.

Aqua Regia was used to digest the samples, and a 25 g sample aliquot was used for ICP-MS and ICP-AES analysis. The samples were coded AuME-TL43 on the ALS. The Company performs work on the Kolos Project by industry standards.

The Company relied on the internal quality assurance quality control (“QA/QC”) measures of ALS because the soil sample was reconnaissance in nature. Torr Metals reviewed the material and found no serious QA/QC problems.

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