Callinan Mines (TSX.V: CAA) ongoing exploration program at Gossan Hill has intersected gold mineralization in each of 12 holes for which assay results have recently been received.
The best results, in hole GOS 25, grade 9.73 grams of gold per tonne, and 6.91 grams of silver per tonne over a width of 5.75 meters. The gold intersection in DDH GOS 25 included a width of 3.35 meters grading 15.80 grams of gold per tonne, and 10.87 grams of silver per tonne. Diamond Drill Holes GOS 25 and GOS 26 have successfully established the mineralized structure below the 200 meter level. The zone of mineralization still remains open on strike and down dip.
True widths are approximately 60% of core widths.
The gold and silver mineralization at Gossan Hill is strongly associated with sulphide mineralization (pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena) within quartz carbonate veining adjacent to a sheared intrusive / volcanic contact zone. Interpretations of mapped geology indicate that the structure has a strike length of at least two kilometers. One diamond drill continues to test the zone of mineralization with 4,903 metres (29 drill holes) completed to date.
Callinan has acquired a 100% interest in 6,269 hectares of the Gossan Hill Property by staking. The company can earn 100% of an additional 4,345 hectares, subject to a 2% NSR, 50% of which is recoverable, under a three year option agreement. Callinan Mines maintained a QA/QC program at all stages of exploration. Drill core recovery was calculated, measured and recorded at the Gossan Hill Property before being cut and sampled. Samples were split in half, one half of each sample being kept for storage and the other half placed in a pre-labeled plastic bag, tagged with the sample number and recorded in the log. Callinan QA/QC samples were inserted into the group of samples and shipped to Acme Analytical Laboratories in Vancouver, BC, where they were crushed, split, and pulverized to 250 g samples at 200 mesh. Pulp samples were then assayed by Aqua Regia digestion ICP-ES analysis (24 elements) and assayed for gold and silver by fire assay method. The lab employs internal quality control by assaying pulp duplicates and inserting quality control standards of predetermined values and a blank sample.