Western Sierra Mining had signed a tentative agreement with the owners in order to develop the Silver Cord mine, which is situated in central Arizona.
The Silver Cord is a mine that was previously producing underground silver mine with developed tunnels measuring some 800 feet obliged on a comparatively horizontal silver layer. These vein formations carry negligible quantity of gold and copper.
Western will initially plot the map and sample the mine when preliminary suggestions are made for functional safety. Then, Western will supervise every mine alterations, which may possibly be essential for underground work and then make the necessary permit applications.
There is a contiguous placer claim besides the hard rock claims, which will be considered during the commercial expansion.
The mine development program on the whole will be separated into individual stages. Every new phase is reliant on the jointly approved budget, which depends on "a cost plus" basis. The company is expecting that the initial drilling phase will be commenced during the second of 2011.