The state government of New South Wales plans a tough new interim assessment regime for mining and coal seam gas extraction applications. The interim policy is applied in regional areas to help reduce the conflict between agriculture and tourism and the fast developing coal and coal seam gas industries.
The Resources and Energy Minister for New South Wales, Chris Hartcher said that the Liberal National coalition would give a though transition policy as a precautionary measure with regional mining within four weeks of being elected. The minister said that the policy was now being applied.
Andrew Stoner the Deputy Premier of New South Wales said that the government was working on drafting the full legislative reform to ensure mining doesn't take precedence over agriculture. The new policy will include agricultural impact assessments, community involvement and protection of aquifers.
Mr Stoner said that in the meantime these transitional arrangements were being implemented to ensure protection before considering any form of mining development. Be it related to gas extraction or an open cut or underground mine. He added that they were considering the impact on agricultural land and the water supply.
Fiona Simpson from the New South Wales Farmers Association said that it was about time the process for awarding mining licenses was changed. She added that they were very gratified that that the Government is going to make good on their promises here. They looked forward to the process to see what is indicated for an agricultural productivity assessment.