Mill City Gold has completed the phase I exploration at the Black, Ham, Hobo and Ross properties, which are situated in the Tombstone gold belt that lies between the previous Ryan Gold's Ida-Oro property and Brewery Creek gold mine.
The company has collected eight rock samples and 264 soil samples in total during reconnaissance-scale soil sampling and prospecting traverses. These four properties along with the Marny & Track properties together form Mill City’s Tombstone gold project wherein the company can earn a 100% interest from Strategic Metals.
Though the properties are mostly enclosed with dense vegetation, prospecting has discovered several gossanous talus slopes that are primarily on the Ham property that directly connects the Ida-Oro property. The company yielded positive results from the three samples, where every sample comprised numerous rock chips from different gossan parts. Mill City has received 107 to 207 ppb gold through analyses along the prominent values for gold pathfinder elements, which contain bismuth, antimony, silver, tellurium, lead and arsenic.
The results of the soil samples taken during the prospecting traverses are pending. When the company receives the results it will plan the phase II exploration.