UnionTown Energy has applied for permits from the Montana Oil & Gas Commission for additional four wells, which will complete the phase I program of the fully permitted 5-spot pilot project at the Teton River property. The company has planned to drill the second Teton well as soon as the permits are obtained.
The company will accelerate this drilling program at the Teton River project, after analyzing the results from the first Teton well #1a-10.
The drilling supplier skidded the drill rig to the second offsetting drill site. The company expects the surface casing to set for the beginning of the drilling program. The CEO and President of the company, has stated that UnionTown anticipates that this second Teton well may significantly contribute to reservoir modeling. When the drilling of the well gets over, the company will make a decision to examine the two wells with steam injection or to complete the additional four wells.
This well will be the second out of the proposed six wells, which is to be drilled at the Teton River property. UnionTown is expecting to drill the well in vertical to a depth of around 2,000 ft that targets the Swift Sandstone structure and this well will be one of the 5 spot pilot project wells. The company may use the sixth well as water source in order to complete the phase I pilot project.
The Teton River property is an 11,000 acre prospect and is situated in a known, shallow heavy oil province, which encloses around 700,000 mi2 in Montana. Heavy oil was being produced formerly at the Teton River Property using steam flooding.