Sona Resources has commenced a 5,000 m surface diamond drilling campaign at its Blackdome gold mine property, which was previously producing in the Clinton Mining District, southern British Columbia.
The primary holes are targeting the Giant vein mineralized zone’s southern end and it will outline the southwest structure for more than 1 km. Previous drilling program has not been performed in this region and the vein does not project along this segment. The company has drilled the Giant vein’s north end and identified the occurrence of an inferred NI 43-101 compliant resource having 63,100 t grading 16.27g /t silver and 9.04 g/t gold.
Moreover, Sona has drill tested numerous other analogous, peripheral, quartz vein layers, which comprises significant gold mineralization that enclose the Southwest and Watson veins.
NQ-size drill bits are used by the company. A diamond saw is employed to cut the samples for assay and analysis into half. The company will send half of the core to the lab for assessment and the remaining half is conserved for future reference. Standard fire assay atomic absorption methods and multi-element ICP are used to analyze the samples for gold.