Victory Nickel has reported further positive results from the Minago sulphide nickel project, located on the Thompson Nickel Belt in Manitoba. These results continue to confirm the continuity of the North limb nickel mineralized domain potential at the project.
This drilling program is a part of 6,000+ m program, totaling 15 holes, which was performed during winter in the past over a strike of 1,600 m to create adequate information for producing an estimate of grade and tonnage in the North limb. This limb expands from the Nose deposit to the north and the North deposit is the area including the complete recent nickel resource at Minago but the resource has not been ever calculated at the North limb.
The VP of Exploration has stated that the host rock and nickel mineralization at the North limb are analogous to the Nose deposit and the limb offers a huge target to expand, which is one of the main unexploited resources of sulphide nickel at Minago.
The analytical results of nickel obtained from the holes that are drilled at line spacing of 50 m collared around North Limb trend’s interpreted middle and broadening northward from the hole DDH V-11-06. The holes from V-11-01 through V-11-10 expand along a strike of 500 m from North limb’s south end. The drilling program continues to show the continuity of strong nickel between sections and holes and major unbroken nickel mineralization thickness with grade analogous to the Nose deposit. TSL Laboratories of Saskatoon produced all the analytical results.