Lago Dourado Minerals has broadened the identified mineralization at the Querosene zone of Juruena project, Brazil.
The company has intersected 30.7 g/t gold over 57 m, 22.6 g/t gold over 66 m in the hole JRND027, which is a step-out hole located 200 m to the west of the JRND022 hole intersecting 47.1 g/t gold over 2 m. Currently, the strike of the high-grade, thin veins at the Querosene zone encloses around 500 m. Gold soil geochemical and geophysical anomalies are persisting 2 km to the JRND018 hole’s south side to the Capixaba zone and 1.5 km to the JRND027 hole’s western side to the Crentes zone yielded high-grade intercepts that includes 131.3 g/t gold over 3.7 m
The obtained drilling results from zones located on the massive geochemical footprint boundaries have enhanced the deposit’s geological interpretation. The association of metal from the drill core’s multi-element analysis is silver-gold to gold-silver-copper-molybdenum, along with inconsistent zinc, lead, bismuth, tellurium and Antimony, showing a hydrothermal- magmatic system. The style of mineralization differs consistently from isolated fine gold-silver quartz layers to sheeted, disseminated breccias and vein zones.
Currently, the drill program has moved from the system’s boundaries and is targeted additionally at the gold footprint’s core by two drill rigs assaying the field target of Jacare. This target is the most constant gold-in-soil anomaly defined on the project. Moreover, this gold-in-soil anomaly outlines a main lithological contact zone, which is concurrent with a magnetic low and surrounded with two magnetic highs.