Minsud Resources has proclaimed phase I drill campaign results from the Brechas Vacas property, located in Chita Valley Project, Argentina.
The Chinchillones target is a silver and base metals mineralized system of sheeted veins that strikes the NE, which is housed in the Upper Carboniferous shales and sandstones. The company has intersected 0.44 g/t gold and 393.0 g/t silver over 1 m, 0.23 g/t gold and 72.0 g/t silver over 13.0 m in the ChS1104 hole’s north section and validates the depth continuity up to 220 m of a mineralized corridor that were identified formerly through a surface trenching program and the MSA08C hole over 300 x 30 m area. The vein layers contain crystalline and comb-like formations of vuggy quartz with sulphide infill. The breadth of the vein structures is greater than 10 m; while the separate veins have thickness from 3 to 4 cm.
Minsud has cut 1.34 % copper, 0.18 g/t gold, 0.34% lead, 105.0 g/t silver and 1.56% zinc over 2 m in Chs1101, 0.13 % copper, 0.31 g/t gold, 6.71 % lead, 79.0 g/t silver and 20.45% zinc over 1 m in Ch1103 and 0.40 g/t gold, 2.07 % lead, 136.0 g/t silver and 6.96 % zinc over 2 m in CHS1105.
The company’s Vice President of Exploration has stated that the significant continuity of the mineralization existing in the corridor stays open at the depth and along the strike.
The CEO and President of Minsud, has commented that the company has executed its option of acquiring 50% interest in the mining rights of the Brechas Vacas property at a cost of USD 210,000. When the mining rights are transferred 100% to Minsud’s trust, the payment expenses will become effective simultaneously.