Ridgemont Iron Ore has reported further assay results from the current drilling campaign conducted at the Redford property, which is situated in British Columbia. The company has drilled 7,570 m, totaling 43 drill holes, and received the assay results.
The company has intersected 51.7% iron over 13.0 m in RD11-22, 52.3% iron over 31.0 m and 44.3% iron over 12.0 m in RD11-25, 60.2% iron over 13.0 m and 51.5% iron over 26.0 m in RD11-27, 56.6% iron over 21.0 m in RD11-29, 55.5% iron over 20.0 m, 49.2% iron over 12.0 m and 43.4% iron over 49.0 m in RD11-34, 50.8% iron over 23.0 m in RD11-39.
Ridgemont’s CEO and President, Mark Morabito has stated that these assay results continue to validate the mineralization level at the property. This information has shown a consistent grade and considerable widths of the high-magnetite zone at the property.
Total Field Magnetics data obtained from the previous ground geophysical surveys traced all the holes. These holes were collared between 50 and 400 m to the eastern part of the east boundary at the Noranda pit. The drilling program’s objective is to define a primary NI 43-101 iron resource.
The company prepared all the samples from sawn, half-core HQ-sized segments at Vancouver Island site. It sent the split drill core samples to Acme Analytical Laboratories in British Columbia, for testing. Satmagan magnetic analysis validates the magnetic iron component.
The Redford property comprises the Brynnor iron deposit, which was previously producing iron ore. Noranda Exploration drilled the iron ore body’s shallow part during 1960s and produced 4,480,940 t.