Gina Rinehart has penned a poem entitled “Our Future”. The poem has eight rhyming couplets and goes after the government whilst praising Australia’s resources industry.
The mining heiress, who is currently the richest person in Australia, is said to have made a good effort by Professor Dennis Haskell who is a creative writing teacher at the University of Western Australia. However he said that her use of grammar and punctuation was poor.
Geoff Lemon, an Australian poet and satirists said that Ms Rinehart had achieved almost functional iambic heptameter but that the poem soon went off the rails. He added that it attempted a noble challenge: the rendering of economic theory and politico-economic ideology into stirring verse.
The poem, shown below, is not the only piece that came from Ms Rinehart’s pen. She has recently written an article for the Australian Resources and Investment magazine in which she has asked to decentralize government departments.
The article which will be published in the March 1 edition of the magazine has her asking the government departments and government advisers exposed to more of Australia, regions outside of Canberra and the NSW coast, where they usually holiday for their annual vacations
She also wrote about shifting the Department of Aboriginal Affairs from Canberra to a more central location such as Alice Springs. Besides that she wondered why the Defence Department was in Canberra and why it could not be stationed in the north.
Our Future
The globe is sadly groaning with debt, poverty and strife
And billions now are pleading to enjoy a better life
Their hope lies with resources buried deep within the earth
And the enterprise and capital which give each project worth
Is our future threatened with massive debts run up by political hacks
Who dig themselves out by unleashing rampant tax
The end result is sending Australian investment, growth and jobs offshore
This type of direction is harmful to our core
Some envious unthinking people have been conned
To think prosperity is created by waving a magic wand
Through such unfortunate ignorance, too much abuse is hurled
Against miners, workers and related industries who strive to build the world
Develop North Australia, embrace multiculturalism and welcome short term foreign workers to our shores
To benefit from the export of our minerals and ores
The world’s poor need our resources: do not leave them to their fate
Our nation needs special economic zones and wiser government, before it is too late