Argentium Resources has announced the sampling results from the Sill Lake property, containing lead and silver, situated in Ontario. The amount of silver in the primary sample assays were greater than the detectable limits for silver and these assays had to be examined again by means of gravimetric analysis.
Argentiferous galena is the key sulphide in the vein mineralization, which also has chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and free silver. Rich copper, lead and silver are mainly present in the Sill Lake property, which also contains other metals that include gold, nickel, and zinc. The company has carried out lead isotope testing and has validated the existence of the low alpha isotope from the main vein.
The mineralized lead and silver is present in a fault zone striking towards the northwest and southeast that is trending across the property’s central portion. The mineralization trend expands to at least 200 ft of depth and has been developed through the underground mining processes, wherein 7,000 t of high-grade ore was encountered.
The company has planned to test the Sill Lake property. The work includes three dimensional model building of the previous works, completion of the data collection, drill program, and wide channel sampling program at the exposed vein for gathering new samples. This work will support the next phase, wherein ground geophysics, dewatering of the underground works and drill program designing are included to find the mineralization level at depth and examine the capability of a parallel structure in order to commence the bulk sampling program.