Metso will supply grinding and bulk materials handling equipment for Galvani Group, a Brazilian family owned company operating in mining, fertilizers and construction segments.
Metso's delivery will be assembled to the company's new phosphate processing plant in Serra do Salitre, state of Minas Gerais. The two separate contracts signed with Galvani Group include the supply of a travelling stacker, a bridget reclaimer and two yard conveyors, two rod and two ball mills, as well as field services for the assembly, start-up and commissioning.
"Galvani is one of Metso's established, long-time customers with over 30 years of partnering in business, and all of these years have strengthened the customer's confidence in the equipment and services we offer," says Eduardo Kubric, Commercial Director, Metso's Mining and Construction, Brazil.
The Serra do Salitre plant is a Greenfield project for mining and beneficiation of phosphate with a scheduled production of 1,200,000 tons per year. The exceeding phosphate mined is supplied to the industrial complex of Paulínia.
High-capacity materials handling
The supply agreement includes a bridge-type bucket wheel reclaimer with a design capacity of 1,920 tons/h; a stacker with a design capacity of 2,880 tons/h; a yard belt conveyor with 830 m in length to feed the stacker and design capacity of 2,880 tons/h; a yard belt with 830 m in length for receiving reclaimed material from the reclaimer and design capacity of 1,920 tons/h.
In addition, the agreement provides for supplying of two rod mills of Ø14' x 20' FF (19, 5' EGL), and two ball mills of Ø18' x 33' FF (31,5' EGL).
Inside the Galvani Group, Galvani Indústria, Comércio e Serviços S.A. operates three phosphate mines, handles mining and aggregates sales, production and marketing of asphaltic mix, and planning and execution of paving works. Galvani Engineering operates in the development, construction and sales of real estate projects. The Galvani Group has more than 10 plants involved in the production of fertilizers, spread across the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Bahia and Sergipe.