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Innovative System Couples Detonation of Commercial Explosives to Highly Dynamic Rock Mechanics

Blue Dog Scientific Ltd have recently innovated advanced mathematical and computational systems which, for the first time, fully couple detonation of commercial explosives to highly dynamic rock mechanics.  In other words, they can now predict and quantify how different commercial explosives perform in specific mining applications.

While previously such explosives could only be rated by so-called “ideal” [application independent] quantifiers or by very qualitative descriptions, Blue Dog Scientific can now quantify more accurately their “non-ideal” [actual, application dependent] behaviours based on just a few simple tests.

An example is the velocity of detonation [vod] of an explosive,  currently used as one of the key performance indicators of commercial products. While the “ideal” vod can be predicted, this represents only an upper bound which is seldom achievable in a blast. However, Blue Dog Scientific’s systems have proven remarkably predictive of the in-hole vod, i.e, the rock type and borehole diameter dependent value. For Blue Dog this is simply a starting point. Employing their fully coupled systems they can then calculate and visualise what the explosive does to the surrounding rock or rapidly calculate how explosions from different boreholes interact.

Blue Dog Scientific Ltd are now working with explosive suppliers and users alike to help supply independently derived,  improved characterisations of commercial explosives, with the aim of providing a new industry standard comparison toolbox.

Blue Dog Scientific Ltd is registered as a Private Limited Company in England and Wales under Company Registration No.: 08534736 with registered office address at 1 Mariner Court, Wakefield, WF4 3FL, United Kingdom.


Blue Dog Scientific Ltd

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