Oct 30 2013
Darwin Resources Corp. ("Darwin" or "the Company") reports results from a dipole-dipole induced polarization ("IP") geophysical survey at the Suriloma project in the Department of La Libertad, Peru.
Map of Suriloma IP chargeability at 250 metres depth (red = high, blue = low)
Key points:
- The survey highlighted a number of strong geophysical anomalies that support the interpretation that recent diamond drilling intersected the upper, low-temperature part of an epithermal vein system and point toward a number of large-scale untested gold and copper targets at depth;
- At the La Puerta area, an IP anomaly has been defined over 1300 metres by 200 metres, extending from a depth of 200 metres to the limit of the survey depth at 300 metres depth. The anomaly is interpreted to be the disseminated sulphidic core to the gold mineralization observed in shallow drilling;
- At the Edelmira area located 4 kilometres to the west of La Puerta, an IP anomaly has been mapped over an area of 400 by 300 metres open to the west. The anomaly is located at 250 metres depth and is interpreted to reflect the upper parts of a buried porphyry copper system.
Dr Graham Carman, President and CEO, states: "The IP survey has confirmed the presence of large-scale chargeable targets that lie immediately beneath the gold-bearing structures drilled 2 months ago. The survey has significantly increased the prospectivity of the area and we look forward to drill testing these exciting epithermal gold and porphyry copper targets."
In total, 19.1 line-kilometres of dipole-dipole IP were surveyed on two separate grids (Figure 1), including at the La Puerta area where the Company previously reported encouraging gold intersections in several shallow drill holes, including 13.1 metres @ 1.4 g/t gold from 50.8 metres from hole SU-003 and 14.7 metres @ 0.9 g/t gold from 123.2 metres in hole SU-011 (see Darwin Press Release August 19 2013). Modelling of the IP survey at La Puerta shows a steeply north-dipping tabular zone of conductive rocks up to 200 metres wide, which is interpreted to be the down-dip continuation of clay altered volcanic rocks associated with outcropping epithermal veins. At the base of the conductive zone a chargeability anomaly has been mapped over 1300 metres by 200 metres, extending from a depth of 200 metres to the limit of the IP model at 300 metres depth from surface (Figures 2 and 3). It is interpreted that the chargeability anomaly reflects sulphide mineralization at or near the contact with quartzite metasediments lying beneath the younger andesite volcanics. This is a high-priority drill target. The quartzite sediments are the preferred host rocks at large gold deposits elsewhere in the La Libertad region of Peru. Earlier drilling at La Puerta tested part of the epithermal vein system down to an average depth of only 65 metres and did not drill to sufficient depth to intersect the chargeable anomaly identified in the IP survey.
An extension of the IP survey 4 kilometres to the west at the Edelmira area defined a chargeability anomaly at a depth of 250 metres, which has dimensions of 400 by 300 metres and remains open to the west (Figure 1). This chargeability anomaly lies immediately beneath outcrops of copper-silver-gold bearing veins with quartz-sericite alteration, and is interpreted to reflect the upper parts of a buried porphyry copper system based on the Company's experience elsewhere in Peru.
The qualified person, Dr Graham Carman, Darwin's President and CEO, and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, has reviewed and verified the technical contents of this release.
Darwin is a resource acquisition and development company focussing on Peru. The Company has an option to acquire 100% of the Suriloma gold and copper property in the Department of La Libertad.
On behalf of the Board,
Dr Graham Carman, President & CEO