Jun 3 2014
Athena Silver Corporation is pleased to announce the purchase of 160 acres of land, located in the Calico Mining District, San Bernardino County, California.
The parcel, is the SE quarter of Section 25, Township 10 North, Range 1 East and is mostly surrounded by public lands. It was purchased for approximately $21,000 in a property tax auction conducted on behalf of the County.
"The acquired property is in the eastern part of the district in an area of historic industrial mining activity and includes a prominent topographical feature known as "Chimney Rock," said Athena President John Power. "The property expands our land position in Calico and gives us additional holdings that may be of great value later for remediation purposes or land swaps."
Power said the company's flagship Langtry Silver project is one of a handful of pure play domestic silver deposits held by junior exploration companies and provides significant value over resources located in more unstable geopolitical jurisdictions.
The Calico Mining District has seen substantial exploration activity, as it is also home to the Waterloo deposit owned by Pan American Silver and an area where a substantial private precious metals group has compiled a district-scale exploration project adjacent to the company's holdings in the District.