Jun 6 2017
International Millennium Mining Corp. is pleased to announce the commencement of the 2017 field exploration season on its Nivloc silver/gold property located in Esmeralda County, Nevada, on or prior to mid-June.
The initial program will consist of soil and rock sampling, geological mapping, strategic planning for a core drilling program and confirming the collar locations of drill holes recommended in the Company’s 2012 NI 43-101 report, of which three holes are already completed. The focus of the sampling program will be on the Guisti Gold, Nivloc NE Extension, Nivloc SW Extension and Nivloc Gold Zone, all of which are highly prospective for silver and gold.
The Guisti Gold Prospect claims, acquired as part of the fifty (50) lode claims that the Company staked and purchased earlier this year, are contiguous to the Nivloc property, as disclosed in the Company’s April 11, 2017, news release, and are located to the southeast of the main Nivloc Zone. The claims cover a mineralized structure that is at least 500 meters long and 200 meters wide, with a possible extension northeasterly into the Company’s Nivloc claims. The structure includes a small, historical adit (the Inca Adit) that was used to access and mine a small portion of an epithermal type silver/gold prospect. Approximately 100 metres south along strike from the adit lies a knob of highly silicified volcanic breccias, exposed over a width of approximately 40 meters. The alteration along with the vein textures at the Guisti Prospect suggest that this area is highly prospective for quartz-adularia type epithermal vein deposits.
The Nivloc Extension sampling will be focused on the resource areas to the northeast and southwest of two previously mined zones on the Nivloc property, over the northeast-trending Nivloc vein structure. The Company’s previous drilling programs outlined an Inferred Mineral Resource between the 440 and 800 ft level drifts in the old mine workings, with lower grade mineralization above the 440 ft level. The 800 ft mine level is approximately 860 feet vertically below the shaft collar, and the vein and workings dip from -45 to -65 degrees toward the northwest. Previous mining at the Nivloc property focused on high-grade mineralized lenses encountered while drifting along the footwall of the vein structure. It appears, from available data, that only one of these parallel vein zones, referred to as the “footwall vein”, was exploited by mining activity in the 1930s and 1940s. The IMMC drilling programs indicate that the Nivloc structure ranges from 15 to more than 50 metres (50 to 150 feet) wide and contains several parallel vein zones. In addition to the potential for underground mining of the high-grade lenses similar to those mined in the past, the material between the lenses is consistently mineralized and the entire structure may have potential as a low-grade, bulk-minable deposit.
The Nivloc Gold Zone is located approximately 200 metres north of the Nivloc shaft area. Strong gold mineralization is reported from an old, bulldozed pit in this area. Epithermal vein material is exposed in bedrock in the pit and as boulders in the immediate area. The zone may be a parallel structure to the main Nivloc silver/gold vein system. The work program will sample this veining and determine its strike potential.
The entire Nivloc claim group is located in a westerly trending mineralized belt approximately 2.4 kilometers wide that extends from the southeast corner of the Nivloc property about 24 kilometers west towards Dyer, Nevada. This belt is transected by northeasterly trending faults that host the low sulfide epithermal veins, of quartz-adularia type, mineralized by argentite and silver bearing sulfosalts. These vein structures were the host of historic mines including the Nivloc, Sixteen-to-One, Mohawk and Sanger located from east to west along the belt.