Intrepid Mines has announced excellent gold and copper assay results from the hole GTD-11-201, which is a part of the current drilling campaign performed at the copper-gold zone of the Tumpangpitu region. This region is located in the Tujuh Bukit Project, Indonesia.
The company has intersected 3.58 g/t gold and 1.00% copper over 56 m and 1.00 g/t gold and 0.54% copper over 676 m in hole GTD-201.
The drill hole’s lower half has tested zones, which are outlined in the latest resource estimate as low and high confidence geological potential and so will be added to the presently described resource.
The CEO of Intrepid has stated that these significant drilling results from Tumpangpitu have increased the confidence of the company in order to develop the resource in the formerly outlined geological potential areas.
The company has drilled the hole GTD-11-201 between GTD-138 and GTD-166 holes in an area, which was categorized mainly as geologically potential in the latest resource estimate. The recorded intercept of the hole GTD-201 offers continuity between high-grade zones that are outlined in holes 138 and 166, and intersected 0.90 g/t gold and 0.37% copper over 86 m and 1.33 g/t gold and 0.95% copper over 84m respectively.
Blocks that describe the Geological Potential are ahead of the boundaries of the Inferred Resource estimate’s search distance.