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Northern Superior Intersects Multiple High Grade Gold Intersections in Croteau Est

Northern Superior Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SUP) ("Northern Superior" or the "Company") has intersected multiple high grade gold intersections in the first four drillholes of the Company's 19-hole, ~8,000m 2012 Croteau Est diamond drill program (Figure 1).

Assay results from the first 4 holes have extended the drilled portion of the four gold mineralized zones (Marco, Dede, Zone B and Zone C) an additional 100m to the east, and successfully intersected the down dip extension of a high grade gold zone. The total strike length of known gold mineralization within the alteration corridor is now 450m in length and remains open to the east, west, and at depth.

In addition to expanding the four (4) gold zones (Marco, Dede, Zone B and Zone C), a review of assay results have defined a discrete higher grade zone of gold mineralization, within the alteration corridor. Identified in 9 different drillholes, (CRO12-41, CRO12-34, CRO11-5, CRO12-29, CRO12-10, CRO12-31, CRO12-12, CRO12-11 and CRO12-21) the high grade intersections include assay results of >5.0g/t gold up to a maximum of 101.0g/t gold (see press releases; March 1, 2012; June 11, 2012; September 12, 2012).

Table 1 lists the new assay highlights from the first four holes completed this fall, and it is important to note that the high grade gold zones intersected in CRO12-41 are present within a much broader zone of lower grade gold mineralization of 1.1g/t over 130m. The assay results within this zone include 165 samples of which only 4 returned gold assays below analytical detection limits.

In addition to the 4-holes reported above, the Company has completed 15 additional holes that have intersected similar rock types, quartz veining, alteration assemblages, sulfides and visible gold (CRO12-049) up to 250m farther east of drillhole CRO12-41. Assays from these holes are pending. The alteration corridor and associated gold mineralization remain open along strike in both directions and at depth.

Dr. T.F. Morris, President and CEO commented: "The Croteau Est story continues to grow and develop. Drilling continues on the Property, and Northern Superior looks forward to reporting assays associated with the remainder of the program as they become available."

The Company's Qualified Persons ("QP") for the Croteau Est gold property are Michel LeBlanc, P.Geo. and Casey Hetman, P.Geo. As QPs, Mr. Hetman and Mr. LeBlanc have prepared or supervised the preparation of the scientific or technical information for this program and have verified the data disclosed in this press release. The Company has a rigorous QA/QC program in place to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of drill core. All drill core is marked for sampling and then split in half with a diamond saw blade. Samples are placed in sealed bags with security tags. All samples were assayed using a standard fire assay, 30 gram nominal aliquot weight with an AA finish. Over-limit samples were re-assayed with a gravimetric finish. Standards, blanks and duplicates are inserted every 25 samples. ALS Canada Ltd. performed the primary assaying with duplicates are analyzed at AGAT Laboratories in Sudbury. ALS Canada Ltd. and AGAT Laboratories implement independent QA/QC protocols that include the insertion of certified blanks and standards as part of their routine analysis.

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