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Cadillac Reports Burnt Hill Project Update

Cadillac Ventures Inc. is pleased to provide the following update on the Burnt Hill Project, specifically Wolf Ridge prospecting, which has successfully expanded the Wolf Ridge showing to extend a minimum of approximately 800m further to the southeast of the Summer 2013 trenching program.

Cadillac Ventures: Burnt Hill Showings

In addition, as depicted in the image below, the 2 1/2 Mile Brook area was further explored, as well as a portion of the McLean Brook area.

The findings of the fall prospecting are still awaiting assays and final interpretation, however field results include:

  • prospecting along strike of Wolf Ridge and to the east for a minimum of 800m resulted in findings of med-coarse wolframite and fine cassiterite in vuggy quartz
  • prospecting between 800m to 1500m from the eastern edge of Wolf Ridge, a further extension of the strike extension noted above, joint controlled tin and sulphide mineralization was observed to continue, however the further extension requires additional investigation
  • McLean Brook, which was incorporated into the Wolf Ridge discovery, was further investigated in the valley to the southeast. This area yielded the discovery of impressive scheelite mineralization this fall which requires further investigation
  • Scheelite, previously not observed at Burnt Hill, has now been observed while prospecting at both Lower McLean Brook (see note 3 above), as well as at the north end of 2 1/2 Mile Brook. The occurrence of scheelite in the mineralization system at Wolf Ridge requires further study

Upon receipt of assays from this program, Cadillac will be able to formulate an interpretation of the mineralized system at Wolf Ridge, previously stated to be comparable to the Burnt Hill Mine site in scale and tenor of mineralization.

Norman Brewster, P.Geo, President and CEO of Cadillac stated "The extension of our Wolf Ridge discovery through the Fall 2013 prospecting campaign is very exciting. We will continue to pursue the exploration of this new mineralized system. Within only a few kilometres of the Burnt Hill mine site, Wolf Ridge adds an entirely new facet to the project which we feel will have a significant impact."

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