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Yorbeau Commences 3,000m Drilling Program at Rouyn Property

Yorbeau Resources Inc. (« Yorbeau » or the « Company ») reports the beginning of a 3,000 metre drilling program on its Rouyn property. One drill rig was mobilized to the property yesterday and the work will be pursued over the fall.

Drilling will be focused on a 2 kilometre long stretch of the Rouyn property located between the far east boundary of the Astoria deposit and the cross-cutting prolific Smokey Creek structure with which several gold past producers are associated (Stadacona, Senator, Sillidor and Elder).

One of the objectives of the program is test the extent of the new gold zone discovered in May 2014 and which yielded 9.1 g/t Au over 9.0 m in hole AS-14-645 drilled in the vicinity of an old shaft sunk in the 1930s (see press release of July 8, 2014). Two holes will be drilled to test this zone at depths of 200 m and 400 m. The remainder of the program is designed to explore eastward the mineralized envelope within ultramafic rocks of the Piché Group, and particularly the intersection between this envelope and the cross-cutting Smokey Creek fault. Indeed, the intersection point between two well established gold bearing structures (Cadillac break and Smokey Creek fault) can be considered as a highly prospective sector for additional gold mineralization.

Over the past few months, Yorbeau's technical team has continued the compilation of historical holes that was initiated in 2010. This work involved the re-logging of 55 historical holes in the Astoria sector with the objective of standardizing the geology with the Augmitto, Cinderella and Lake Gamble zones, sampling mineralized zones that may have been missed in the past, and characterizing the geochemistry of this sector. In addition, new mechanical stripping was carried out east of Astoria and the results of the compilation combined with those of the new stripping have confirmed the presence of basaltic rocks within the Piché Group. Basalts within the Piché Group may represent an important host rock for gold mineralization along the Cadillac break, as seen at the Kerr Addison mine in Ontario and the Lapa mine in Quebec. Their newly recognized presence at the Rouyn property is therefore significant and constitutes an important drill target that will be tested in the current program.

As part of this work, 212 samples were taken on previously unsampled drill core that reflect same parameters as observed in gold zones at Augmitto, Cinderella and Lake Gamble. These samples will be sent for assays shortly and results will be published when available.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company's 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6 km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.

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