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North Arrow Minerals Releases Update on Redemption Diamond Project

North Arrow Minerals Inc. is pleased to provide an update on the Redemption Diamond Project located in the Lac de Gras region of the Northwest Territories, approximately 32 km southwest, and 47 km west of the Ekati and Diavik diamond mines, respectively. Recent and ongoing activities have focused on ground geophysical surveys and surficial geology evaluations intended to help identify and define potential drill targets for a winter 2016 drilling program.

Northern Lights above the HW Camp during Redemption Project work, April 2014, Lac de Gras, NT

Ground Magnetic Surveys

In early May, ground magnetic surveys were completed on 14 separate grids within the property. A total of 69 line kilometres of surveying was completed testing 25 targets. All of the targets are well located with respect to the up ice termination of the highly prospective South Coppermine kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) train. Evaluation of the survey data is ongoing, however initial interpretations indicate a number of the targets can be prioritized for drilling.

Surficial Geology Evaluations

The unsourced South Coppermine KIM train lies within one of five areas that comprise the Slave Province Surficial Materials and Permafrost Study (SPSMPS), an ongoing Government funded research project led by the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office. The SPSMPS has a number of stated goals intended to develop a better understanding of the surficial geology of the Lac de Gras area including the development of new glacial advance models and a regional 3D KIM and till geochemistry database.

As part of the SPSMPS program, approximately 52 overburden reverse circulation drill holes were completed within and around the Redemption property between March and May of 2014. SPSMPS researchers will use the results from these and other drill holes to build the regional 3D indicator mineral and till geochemistry database. Additional shallow core drilling is planned for the coming summer program to better define the glacial till profiles in the Study areas in an effort to further characterize the local till deposits and aid in interpretation of the KIM and geochemical databases.

Separate from the SPSMPS, North Arrow has initiated a more detailed evaluation of the surficial geology of the Redemption property in an effort to better define and interpret the South Coppermine KIM Train. Initial work is consisting of a desktop evaluation of available air photo and satellite imagery as well as the project's KIM database. If warranted, a summer follow up program will be conducted to ground truth and test the interpretations derived from this work.

Results of these new work programs will be used to define targets in preparation for a spring 2016 drill program to locate the bedrock source of the South Coppermine KIM Train.

North Arrow is exploring the Redemption property under an option agreement with Arctic Star Exploration Corp. (TSX VENTURE: ADD), under which the company can earn a 55% interest by incurring $5 million in exploration expenditures prior to July 1, 2017.

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