Apr 19 2017
TANTALEX Resources Corporation ("TANTALEX" or the "Corporation"), is pleased to announce completion of its initial phase ground sampling program undertaken at its Buckell Lithium property. This initial sampling program comprises 40 grab samples taken at surface from lateritic cover, pegmatite outcrops and weathered pegmatites in past artisanal pits. This sampling program is regarded as the kickoff to the planned 2017 exploration program for identification of spodumene bearing LCT pegmatites. The grab samples have been submitted to SGS Laboratories in Lubumbashi for sample preparation and were forwarded to SGS laboratory in South Africa for detailed analysis.
Gary PEARSE, Tantalex's Qualified Person commented, "I am impressed that spodumene with tin, coltan and tourmaline have been found in several localities on both leases 12447 and 12448, in both artisanal workings and in granite outcrops. On the former, angular spodumene pieces retrieved several centimetres across, indicate provenance from a nearby pegmatite source. The distribution of these important findings suggests extension of the well known Manono-Kitotolo pegmatites southwesterly onto 12477, as well as the existence of other, possibly subparallel pegmatites, to the west of this trend onto lease 12448."
Dave GAGNON, Chief Executive Officer offers, "We are extremely pleased with the initial results which confirm our assumptions. They are a first indication of what is to come at the Buckell Lithium property."