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Black Hawk Exploration Reports Gross Revenues of Above $1 Million for Phase 1, 2

Black Hawk Exploration has announced that estimated gross revenues for Phase 1 and 2 exceed $1,000,000.

Thirty-nine auger holes (DGA-8 to 46) and two trench sites (DGDT-1 to 13) were completed during the week of November 15 to 19, 2010 to sample and evaluate the Monroe (Golden Bell Dump), Gold Bug, and Auld Lang Syne (ALS Upper and ALS Lower dumps) areas of the Dun Glen Project, Pershing County Nevada. Seven Phase 1 auger holes (DGA-1 to 7) were completed in August 2010 to evaluate the North and South Monroe dumps with assay results indicating 445 ounces of gold and 2,927 ounces of silver.

Black Hawk will be identifying and evaluating potential toll mills to process the Dun Glen ore as we advance the Plan of Operation (POO) with a plan of work outlined by JBR Environmental Consultants. Black Hawk's management team and JBR have scheduled a pre-scoping planning session with the Winnemucca Field Office of the US Bureau of Land Management to help "fast-track" this process. A Phase 3 Testing of Black Hole and Monroe Creek Dumps will begin as soon as weather permits. The additional dumps will be included in the Plan of Operation permit application.

"We hope to double our estimates with the inclusion of the Black Hole and Monroe Creek tonnage.  Grab samples collected previously returned assays of up to 1.875 opt gold. The sampling of the Dun Glen dumps demonstrates that the project contains dumps that can be moved successfully. The Black Hole showed very high valuations and is the largest of the dumps in tonnage .The potential Black Hole valuation could add $1,300,000 to the preprocessing valuation," stated Kevin M. Murphy, CEO of Black Hawk.  

During both phases (1 and 2) of the Dun Glen auger sampling program, a total of 57 separate backhoe and auger holes were collected to sample six dumps.  Out of the 57 sites seven of them contained greater than 0.1 opt gold, with a maximum of  0.28 opt gold.  As shown on the table gold intervals that are greater than 0.1 opt were returned for holes in the Gold Bug, Monroe North, and Upper ALS dumps.


Black Hawk Exploration

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