Estrella Gold has commenced drilling program at its Colpayoc gold project in June. The location of the Colpayoc project is 12 km southwest of the Yanacocha gold mine complex in Peru.
The company has planned a drilling program to develop the known mineralization area at the Daylight zone and to analyze the recently exposed high-grade gold and silver mineralization at the Cerro Rico zone. The property has 5,774 ha including mineralization of gold and silver in three regions. Estrella has planned core drilling for around 1,800 m, totaling eight holes at the Cerro Rico zone and the Daylight zone.
The company focuses its most work on the Daylight zone at Colpayoc and the zone has outcropping, oxidized mineralization of gold and copper occurring in a porphyry gold-copper system. The zone includes 300 m long area of outcropping gold mineralization that is enclosed by sedimentary rocks. SRK Consultants has estimated a primary NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource that includes 7.6 mt grading 0.6 g/t gold with 144,600 oz of gold, depending on the former drilling results.
The company will get the initial drill results from the Cerro Rico zone. The intention of the drilling program is to examine the high-grade gold and silver mineralization that was discovered in the new trenching results. A preliminary trenching program was completed by Estrella in February. High-grade gold and silver replacement style mineralization, which occurs in fault zones with volcanic and sedimentary rocks, is found in three trenches, 231.8 m in total.
Estrella has cut 3.9 g/t gold, 372.5 g/t silver over 8.0 m in trench CR-01 and 0.8 g/t gold, 1,515 g/t silver over 1.8 m including 0.7 g/t gold, 872.6 g/t silver over 5.8 m in trench CR-03. It will carry on drilling during the month of July. Bradley MDH of Lima has been engaged to complete the drilling campaign.