Mar 5 2014
Noka Resources Inc. ("Noka") is pleased to announce that a radon in lake water and sediment survey has begun at Carpenter Lake, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan as part of Alpha Exploration Inc.'s ("Alpha") Option Agreement to earn a 60% interest in the Carpenter Lake Property from Noka.
The radon survey will test electromagnetic (EM) conductors that were confirmed in a recently completed airborne VTEM and magnetic survey by Aeroquest International Limited. This is the same technology that the Alpha JV used in the discovery of high-grade uranium mineralization at Patterson Lake South. The radon survey will be conducted by RadonEx Exploration Management of St. Lazare, Quebec, and will comprise approximately 1,000 sample locations over a 16 km strike length of the Cable Bay Shear Zone (CBSZ) on the 20,637 hectare Property.
Preliminary interpretation of the recently flown VTEM and magnetic survey shows numerous offset and disrupted EM conductors within the CBSZ that are associated with cross cutting structures depicted by magnetic lineaments. Graphitic shear zones (often seen as EM conductors) that are cross-cut by faults are seen as the critical framework for the required fluid paths for uranium emplacement. Detailed radon in lake water and sediment sampling will focus on these structural junctions.
Lake sediment samples recovered for radon analysis will also be submitted to SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories (an SCC ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Accredited Facility) of Saskatoon for analysis, which includes a 63 element ICP-OES, and uranium by ICP-MS.
Radon sampling is anticipated to be completed in four to five weeks with additional work for the spring and summer 2014 being planned. This includes a detailed high-resolution airborne gamma radiation spectrometric survey (radiometrics), which has a demonstrated capability to locate near surface uranium boulders, followed by ground prospecting and geochemical sampling.
About Noka Resources Inc.:
Noka Resources Inc. is a junior exploration company with a focus on uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin, Northern Saskatchewan. Noka's exploration strategy is focused in relatively underexplored areas of the Athabasca Basin Region, targeting favourable geology and structure amenable to near surface, unconformity-style uranium mineralization.
With a total land position of 488,463 hectares, Noka holds one of the largest geologically prospective land packages in the region through a 100% interest in the Clearwater (which includes the Carpenter Lake) and Athabasca North group of properties, as well as a 25% interest in the Western Athabasca Syndicate group of properties.
Nav Dhaliwal, President and CEO